Apr 7, 2014

How to set your mind free

Each of us has ever complained about the endless thoughts before bedtime, making it difficult to fall asleep. Sometimes you just want to press the button and turn off your mind. I remember my roommate was surprised how quickly I fell asleep . “You turn off in a minute! Lucky you! I can’t fall asleep for hours… ”

In fact, you don’t need any supernatural abilities to fall asleep quickly.
You just need not care. Before going to bed I do not think neither about today, nor about tomorrow. I just concentrate on the darkness and do not think about anything. It’s lika a kind of meditation. And if some thoughts come, I just do not pay attention to them, I don’t develop them, but continue to enjoy the darkness. Gradually, I stop feeling my limbs, stop hearing anything at all, and fall asleep . It is an indescribable feeling when you can not feel your arms or legs, you don’t understand where they are, and what position you are lying in, you do not feel anything but pleasant warmth :) But unfortunately, one small movement of your finger returns you to the place, you are awake again, and you have to start it all over again.

Besides setting my mind free, it is also important to order my belongingsfor comfortable existence. My philosophy adout the things is: the fewer, the better. That’s why I do not really like shopping, do not like when people present me all sorts of useless trinkets, and from time to time I throw the stuff out of my house. Last week I packed a suitcase full of old things and cloths, and brought it to the recycle bin, where wearable cloth and things are given to the poor, and the rest is being recycled. I strongly recommend this: after you bring a heavy suitcase to the point and leave it there, you feel ease, not only physically but also mentally. That is really awesome.

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